5 Crazy Investment Ideas That Paid Off

5 Crazy Investment Ideas That Paid Off

It is probably the fate of every person who comes up with crazy investments ideas is to be laughed off at first. However, every person should keep in mind that no matter how crazy an idea is, there might just be a way to make it work. Just finding the right audience, right time, or right marketing momentum can make even the craziest business idea successful. Here is a list of 5 crazy investment ideas that paid off in actual:

Stave Puzzles. One of the craziest business ideas was the manufacturing of hand-made jigsaw puzzles, which is still making million-dollar business. Steve Richardson conceived the idea in 1974. He invested $5000 for the production of puzzles made of cherry wood and covered with images drawn by licensed artists. The price range of these puzzles varies from $125 to $5000.

Geese Police. One of the annoying problems for the golfers is the existence of geese in the golf court. Geese create water hazards and fill the golf court with their droppings. However, a person named Dave Marcks found that border collies had a special knack in chasing geese out of the golf court. This discovery drove him to make one of the crazy investments possible in the history of the business world. He formed a force of geese police with trained border collies. The start-up cost was $3,000 that has turned into an amount of approximately $2.5 million per year.

Doggles. The concept of manufacturing dresses for pet dogs and cats is an old one but Jill Doyle came up with a completely fresh and crazy business plan. He manages a company that takes accessories for a pet to the next level. His company sells eyewear for dogs and makes approximately $5,000,000 profits per year. These doggles are not only fashionable but also protect dog’s eyes from catching dirt and dust. They are also very effective for those dogs that have just had eye surgery.

The Outlet for Rage. A store called ‘The Venting Place’ has been opened in Tokyo with a bizarre but interesting concept – vent your rage. Everyone has moments of rage when s/he feels like smashing everything that comes to her/his path. This shop offers a service where clients can walk into a room filled with cups, plates, and glasses and can smash the crap out of them. The idea was an instant success, and the business is earning millions of dollars.

PetRelocation.com. This business idea is based on transporting any kind of animals anywhere in the world. This crazy idea landed in the thought bubble of Angle and Kevin O’Brien who instantly sold their doggy day-care business for this new one. They had to invest $97,000 for this business. The ‘PetRelocation’ is a complete business service that covers all the procedures, such as airline bookings, vet check-ups, blood tests, and logistics to customs and quarantine need for moving pets. With a claim to move any live animal anywhere in the world; this company is earning huge bucks every year.

Thousands of businesses are there in today’s world, which started with some crazy ideas. Innovative-minded people have always been there who have come up with crazy investments ideas and have turned them into successful business ventures.

Source by Kyle B Taylor
#Crazy #Investment #Ideas #Paid business ideas

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