Since, each of us, is an individual, and has, some distinct (perhaps, unique) personal priorities, perceptions, likes, and dislikes, doesn’t it make sense, we would benefit, if we, fully committed to doing, what’s best, for us, personally? After, over four decades, of conducting thousands of personal development (self – help, etc) seminars, and training sessions, I feel, unfortunately, most people, fail to, begin by, consistently, conducting, a thorough, check – up, from the neck – up, in order to, do a better job, of, meaningful, objective introspection, and understanding, both, their personal strengths, and weaknesses! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 essential considerations, which are meaningful, to become a better person.
1. Your personal priorities, needs, goals, perceptions, aspirations, etc: Your personal priorities, must be, truly, relevant, to you! Closely, examine, and consider, your needs, goals, perceptions, and aspirations, and what, your options, are, for your best interests! How can you maximize your results, and happiness, unless/ until, you proceed, in this manner?
2. How much you want (how important) these? Do these things, really, matter, to you?: Human nature, is, we will be more – apt, to doing more, and expanding the limitations of our personal comfort zone, if, our objective, is, truly, personal, and personally, meaning/ important! When, we take the time, to be certain, what we really want, we generally, proceed, most effectively!
3. The options and alternatives: Part of one’s considerations, must be, determining, with an open – mind, as many of our viable options, and alternatives, as possible. It is wise, to classify, both the positives, and negatives, of each approach!
4. Ramifications: Whether, we proceed, forward, proactively, or resort to procrastination, there will be certain potential ramifications! When, you procrastinate, you lose any degree of control, and, generally, when, action is delayed, quality solutions, become more difficult, challenging, etc. When, thorough self – planning, and, objective introspection, is used, it is important to thoroughly, evaluate, potential ramifications (positive, neutral, and/ or, negative), of every option, and approach!
5. Plan A, versus, Plan B: It takes a primary plan (Plan A), as well a contingency ones (Plan B, C, etc), to prepare, to become, the best, most – fulfilled, happiest, possible! Like, nearly, every, worthwhile activity, doing, what’s best, personally, also, requires, proactive, planning, and preparing, for every, perceivable, possibility!
Are you, ready, willing, and able, to truly, commit, to doing, what’s best, for you? Will you strive, to be, the best, and happiest/ fulfilled, possible?
Source by Richard Brody
#Commit #Whats #Considerations self improvement