The Top 10 Benefits of E-Coaching – Life Coaching Via Email

The Top 10 Benefits of E-Coaching – Life Coaching Via Email

E-Coaching or Life Coaching via email offers amazing benefits and flexibility to people who are ready to move forward with their lives.

Here are the top 10 benefits for having a Life Coach to support you moving towards goals quickly and easily and overcoming challenges via email:-

  • E-Coaching is affordable – with all the benefits of Coaching and more time-efficient for the Coach and Client, E-Coaching is better value for money.
  • E-Coaching promotes comfort – you can email from wherever and whenever you want, the important thing is you’re comfortable.
  • E-Coaching is easier – some people find writing about their issues, problems and challenges easier than talking about them as in face to face or Telephone Coaching.
  • E-Coaching helps you feel more in control – some people think better when they write. E-Coaching gives them time to explore what’s important and digest information. For some people writing helps them gain awareness, understanding and insights into what they want to work on and change in their life.
  • E-Coaching is a record – a written record of your thoughts and goals and your Coaches inspiration, guidance and support is available to read and re-read. Referring to these email conversations helps you remember and focus on what is working for you and how you have progressed since receiving Coaching.
  • E-Coaching is reflective – the time in between email conversations, the process of writing and having the ability to re-read emails are useful reflective processes. Clients gain insights and experience what works and what doesn’t work for them.
  • E-Coaching saves time – You can email when you have spare time and how much time you spend and when you email your Coach is up to you. It’s perfect if you live in a different time-zone.
  • E-Coaching is motivational – if you’ve had Coaching E-Coaching continues the momentum you’ve created to reach your goals.
  • E-Coaching is flexible – You can decide what is your most pressing issue or challenge and work through it using tips, techniques and tools that get to the heart of the problem.
  • E-Coaching makes you accountable – it’s easier and more motivating to follow through on what you want to do, when you know someone’s cheering you on, reminding you of why you’re doing it and what the outcome is.

Why not, try out Life Coaching? Think about the difference it could make to you and you life.

Source by Fay Hartwell
#Top #Benefits #ECoaching #Life #Coaching #Email life coach

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